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Production of biogas in the Czech Republic

18 / 07 / 2022 Kitchen waste disposers

Production of biogas in the Czech Republic

We would like to present you a video report by Česká televize on the topic of processing and utilization of bio waste.

The report highlights the fact that up to 40% of waste consists of biodegradable materials, of which roughly half is food waste. This so-called gastro waste can be further processed into bio methane, which could partially replace Russian natural gas. In an interview from Ostrava Waterworks and Sewerage, they describe this method. Organic waste is used to generate electricity and heat. The water used then remains in natural settling tanks for a certain period of time.

The question of the coming years, if not months, is whether the path to replacing Russian gas leads precisely to the processing of organic waste and thus to the production of bio natural gas.